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Omschrijving |
- Link: Arduino by Example
- Auteur:
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- Pagina’s: 242
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- Link: Arduino Wearables
- Auteur:
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- Pagina’s: 330
- Taal:
- Korte omschrijving:
- Link: Arduino Workshop
- Auteur:
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- Pagina’s: 394
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- Link: Make: Arduino bots and gadgets
- Auteur: Kimmo Karvinen & Tero Karvinen
- Uitgever: Maker Media
- Jaar: 1e editie maart 2011
- Pagina’s: 297
- Taal: Engels
- ISBN: 978-1-449-38971-0
- Korte omschrijving: This book includes two introductory chapters followed by six chapters with projects. As you move through the book, you’ll go from learning the basics of Arduino to completing projects with moving parts, wireless communication,
and more: Chapter 1, Introduction, Chapter 2, Arduino, Chapter 3, Stalker Guard, Chapter 4, Insect Robot, Chapter 5, Interactive Painting, Chapter 6, Boxing Clock, Chapter 7, Remote for a Smart Home, Chapter 8, Soccer Robot.
Appendix, tBlue Library for Android. The appendix presents tBlue, a lightweight library that makes it easy to communicate over Bluetooth between an Android phone and Arduino.
- Link: Make: Basic arduino projects
- Auteur: Don Wilcher
- Uitgever: Maker Media
- Jaar: februari 2014
- Pagina’s: 260
- Taal: Engels
- ISBN: 978-1-449-36066-5
- Korte omschrijving: 26 Experiments with Microcontrollers and Electronics.
- Link: MintDuino – Buiolding an Arduino-compatible breadboard microcontroler.
- Auteur(s): James Floyd Kelly & Marc de Vinck
- Uitgever: Maker Press ‘O’Reilly‘
- Jaar: 1e editie 12 september 2011, 2e editie 16 december 2011
- Pagina’s: 58
- Taal: Engels
- ISBN: 978-1-449-30766-0
- Korte omschrijving: Get started with MintDuino, the Maker Shed kit that’s perfect for
learning or teaching the fundamentals of how microcontrollers work. This hands-on book shows you how to build a complete MintDuino project from start to finish. Learn how to assemble the microcontroller on a breadboard (no soldering required), and
immediately begin programming it.
You’ll build the MintDuino Reflex Game in five separate stages or sub-tasks. Breaking down a large project into manageable tasks helps you track down errors quickly, and lets you see how each part of the circuit works. Once you complete the game, you’ll have the resources and experience to tackle more MintDuino projects. If you’re interested in the fascinating world of microcontrollers, you’ll enjoy this book.
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- Link:
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