D-C Meter Formulas

Meter Resistance
The d-c resistance of a milliameter or
voltmeter movement may be determined as
1. Connect the meter in series with a
suitable battery and variable resist-
ance R1 as shown in the diagram above.
2. Vary R1 until a full scale reading is
3. Connect another variable resistor R1
across the meter and vary its value
until a half scale reading is obtained.
4. Disconnect R2 from the circuit and
measure its d-c resistance.
The meter resistance RM is equal to the
measured resistance of R2.
Caution: Be sure that R1 has sufficient
resistance to prevent an off scale reading
of the meter.  The correct value depends
upon the sensitivity of meter, and voltage
of the battery.  The following formula can
be used if the full scale current of the meter
is known:
R1 = voltage of the battery used

full scale current of meter in amperes
For safe results, use twice the value com-
puted.  Also, never attempt to measure the
resistance of a meter with an ohmeter.  To
do so would in all proability result in a
burned-out or severly damaged meter,
since the current required for the operation
of some ohmeters and bridges is far in
excess of the full scale current required by
the movement of the average meter you
may be checking.
Ohms per Volt Rating of a Voltmeter
Where: = ohms per volt,
Ifs = full scale current in amperes.
R = shunt value in ohms,
N = the new full scale reading divided
by the original full scale reading,
both being stated in the same units,
RM = meter resistance in ohms
Multi-Range Shunts
R1 = intermediate or tapped shunt value
in ohms,
R1+2 = total resistance required for the low-
est scale reading wanted,
RM = meter resistance in ohms,
N = the new full scale reading divided
by the original full scale reading,
both being stated in the same units,
Voltage Multipliers
R = multiplier resistance in ohms,
Efs = full scale reading required in volts,
Ifs = full scale current of meter in am-
RM = meter resistance in ohms
Measuring Resistance
with Milliammeter and battery*
RX = unknown resistance in ohms,
RM = meter resistance in ohms, or effec-
tive meter resistance if a shunted
range is used,
I1 = current reading with switch open,
I2 = current reading with switch closed,
RL = current limiting resistor of suffi-
cient value to keep meter reading
on scale when switch is open
*Approximately true only when current limiting
resistor is large as compared to meter resistance.

0-10   ma
0-50   ma
0-100 ma
0-500 ma
3.0       ohms
0.551   ohms
0.272   ohms
0.0541 ohms
Measuring Resistance–(Continued)
with Milliammeter, Battery and Known Resistor
RX = unkown resistance in ohms,
RY = kown resistance in ohms,
RM = meter resistance in ohms,
I1 = current reading with switch closed,
I2 = current reading with switch open,
with voltmeter and Battery
RX = unkown resistance in ohms,
RM = meter resistance in ohms, including
multiplier resistance if a multiplied
range is used,
E1 = voltmeter reading with switch closed,
E2 = voltmeter reading with switch open,

0-10      volts
0-50      volts
0-100    volts
0-250    volts
0-500    volts
0-1,000 volts
      10,000 ohms
50,000 ohms
100,000 ohms
250,000 ohms
500,000 ohms
1,000,000 ohms